Saturday, September 11, 2010

Rock App is dead

It has officially been announced! Cydia will acquire Rock Your Phone. The two have had a long history of competition and this merger marks the end of that rivalry. In the beginning, there was Cydia which was created by Saurik(Jay Freeman). And then along came Rock Your Phone. Rock was designed to put a more user-friendly interface to Cydia. Rock was created by Intelliborn, the company that brought products such as Intelliscreen and MyWi. What followed the creation of of the RockApp was a fierce competition to dominate the Jailbreak world. Both companies were extremely successful in doing so, however neither truly took over. Why? Because both had great things that were put forward, and two different camps of followers. Rock brought what it had set out to accomplish, a much more user-friendly experience. But, according to Saurik from Cydia, this was at the sacrifice of stability. Many Rock users found that one of the latest updates actually forced them to restore their iPhones and start over. Rock was faster, however that was again at the expense of security and stability. Cydia is slower to load, and according to Saurik, this is because it is more secure. The user interface isn't as pretty, but it still gets the job done.
So, the question is, what happens now? Well, Saurik and Intelliborn are working together to make the transition as seamless as possible. Cydia is going to be working on updating their interface, as well as the speed of their loading times, and attempting to minimize crashes. Most of your apps and programs, as well as license purchases, that were on Rock are already moved over to Cydia. I went into my Cydia just a little while ago and found all of my packages and sources already moved over. That does help to relieve the stress of having to start over.
What does this mean for the future of Jailbreak? Well, it depends on how you look at it. If you are a hardcore Rock fan then you may have a difficult time adjusting. But, one of the best parts of this is the fact that Intelliborn will now have more time for developing apps and Saurik will have more time to focus on Cydia. Keep an open mind, follow the changes, and this could be the best thing to happen the Jailbreak community in a long time.

Go HERE to see the Q&A with Saurik about the merger

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