Saturday, September 18, 2010

iOS 4.2 will pack some great new features

It's about time Apple. We have been asking and you have finally come least on a couple of things. iOS 4.2 is still in Beta, but we were able to get a look at some of the new features. And, for anyone who has not Jailbroken their iPhone yet, some of these new features will be a welcome respite from the same old features that the iPhone has been packaged with for quite a while.

SMS/Text Messaging Tones: Yes, it's here (at least in the Beta), you will be able to customize the Text tones for individual contacts. Oh the bliss this will bring. You can have a different text tone for different people, that way you will know who is texting you before you look. The one drawback? (there's always at least one) You will be limited to the default text tones. However, almost undoubtedly, there will be a Winterboard theme to solve this for those of you who are free from Apple's restrictions.
Also, for the lucky iPhone4 owners out there, Apple will be adding a shortcut button inside the SMS app to initiate a call over Facetime, making it alot easier than closing out of the app and locating the contact, then initiating the call from there.

New Features/System Changes: Apple finally added some new features for managing your iDevice. One addition will be the option to place restrictions on Adding and Deleting Apps from the phone. Also, you will be able to lock changes to Email and Location Settings.
 One small, but seemingly useful change, is the ability to disable adjusting ringtones using the volume buttons, which will allow you to set a ring volume and have it never change.
 Safari will now have the ability to search for text on a page, which is great when you are looking for a certain item and trying to comb through all of that information on a small screen
The Youtube app has the ability now to Like and Dislike videos right in the app, saving you quite a bit of time if you are a heavy video watcher
Voice Memos gets a new icon, not gound-breaking but anything new on the iPhone is cool
One small change that I personally like is that the Alerts will have a slight silver shadow, putting more focus on the alert. Again, it's not major, but any changes like that help enhance the iPhone experience.

Now the question of all the time, the one you are all asking yourselves: Now that Apple is throwing all of these new features in iOS 4.2, is it worth updating and losing your Jailbreak? The answer.....wait for it........NO! It's not worth breaking your Jailbreak to land these few seemingly awesome features on your iDevice. Why? Most, if not all, of these features are already/will shortly be available through Cydia. The biggest impact this newest update will have on Jailbroken iPhones is the ability to actually set different text tones per contact, and I know that personally I can wait until the 4.2 Jailbreak comes out to have that.

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