Friday, September 10, 2010

iPhone and Blackberry Funeral

Ok, so this is kind of funny. Very funny actually. Microsoft is getting ready to release the Windows Phone 7 on various carriers. They are celebrating, as they should. The Windows Phone 7 will be a huge hit. They will get snatched up quicker than they are manufactured for sure. And, in the spirit of celebration, Microsoft employees saw fit to hold a funeral parade for the iPhone and Blackberry devices. It was a magnificent production, consisting of hearses, costumes, and mock up coffins designed to look like the iPhone and the Blackberry devices. The reason behind this "funeral"? The WP7 is being added to a list of phones considered to be "iPhone Killers". If I were Steve Jobs, I would see this term as a huge complement. Everyone is trying to outdo the iPhone. Really, how can you beat it? It's is small, easy to hold, very versatile, adds productivity, and the list goes on. However, Apple still has it's resistance, so Microsoft and others can attempt to move in on the market. But, the one thing that always seems to hold Windows Phones down is their lack of true stability. Windows phones usually like to "crash" at fairly regular intervals. This is not to say that the iPhone is 100% reliable all of the time, however, that fact is outweighed by it's good points (and it's VERY strong cult following). In my opinion, it probably would have been a good idea for Microsoft to spend the time it took to put this little funeral production together on something more making sure WP7 doesn't crash every other hour. Go HERE for the full story, and see below for a pic.

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